
Name: Bydeniss
Sponsored By: Jidka'Tamkah
Gender: Male
Species: Xeno-Catdragon
Caste: Drone
Rank: Low
Hatchling Height: 2'3"
Adult Height: 14'7" to head
Color: Purple-Silver
Abilities: Acid Blood, Mindstream Communication, Snakebite (Ice, Poison), Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech, Wall-Climbing
Personality: Bydeniss might huff and puff and strut and prance, but really, he's just a big baby! Catch him off guard, and he's as naive and curious as a child, behind that haughty mask; frighten him, and watch him run to whoever he considers "mommy" (in the entirely metaphorical sense, of course, as a protector figure) crying "he scared me!" He must always, always have someone to look up to and run to, or he will live in a constant state of anxiety.
Cyborware: Xeno-dragons can't recieve cyborware.
Hatchling Image
From: the EverRealm, by means of Abstract Destiny
Pets: Fonai, Male Terigon


Name: Fonai
Gender: Male
Height: 1'1" to shoulder
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Genetic Code: SS E3E3 WW TT Y6Y6 C2C5 L1 X1X6 Uu I2I2 NN P2P4 R1R4 Aa
From: Abstract Destiny

Story starts here