Jidka placed the tiny hatchling into the pouch that used to hold the dried meat, and slung it back around her neck, being careful not to jostle the dragonet too much. Then she headed off to find her some food. Not thinking she'd find much on the tundra that she would be able to catch, she turned south, looking for a forest or at least a field. A deer or small antelope type creature would work; she needed food for the dragonet, but she was getting hungry, too.

Finding a nice field, she set the pouch down near a distinctive rock, and leapt into the air. Flying for afew minutes, she found what she was looking for, and took a small buck from an antelope-like herd. Taking it back to the rock, she spotted an odd shape in the grasses nearby. She considered checking it out, but chose to wait until after she pulled off some meat for little Rina, as she decided to call the little glacier dragonet.

After that was done, and she had left a small pile near the hatchling in case she woke upin the next couple of minutes, the brightly colored dragoness went to explore the odd patch of grass. A number of dragonets flew away from what was clearly another nest, and she looked down to see a few eggs still rocking. One started to split, and before she could move out of sight, the tiny hatchling saw her and headed towards her. This one appeared to be a grassland dragonet, and it was male.

She picked him up and dashed back to where she left Rina. Stripping some more meat from her kill, she quickly fed the little green male. As she did, little Rina woke up and demanded food as well. Feeding both at the same time was a bit of a chore, but Jidka was soon enjoying herself. Both of her new companions seemed to not mind her blinding colors; maybe they weren't as bad as she thought.

Deciding to call the little male Kovin, she fed them both until they were full then sat down to think about what to do next. She hadn't expected gaining two flitters on her journey, but they made her think. She was enjoying taking care of them; maybe she should head back to Falas, and see about bonding a hatchling. Or she could try that new place, Abstract Destiny. She heard that some very unusual dragons were coming out of there. Maybe they wouldn't mind her brightly-patterned hide.

Making her decision, she packed up the two tiny dragonets into the warm pouch, and headed to Abstract Destiny. Once there, she looked around; it was due to hatch first; supposedly, if she was able to care for any dragon she bonded or sponsered, she could always try for one from the next clutch. The clutch in Alpha Bay looked very interesting, with its skull and hands attached to its body but flames; but she was also intrigued by the long sinuous hatchling expected from the clutch in Bravo Bay. This clutch was due to hatch first; the hatchling didn't need to bond, but had the potential to. If she could handle it, she could always try to bond again at the flaming clutch. She'd have to consider it carefully. But for now, she'd worry about keeping her dragonets fed, and wait for Dread Corollary's clutch to hatch.
