After a few weeks with Kaselanuga and her new hot pink bond, Yusena, Bydeniss was begging Jidka to send the easily exciteable pair far, far away. Even little Fonai was not pleased with the almost constant squealing; he could sometimes be found with Jidka's two dragonets curled around his ears!

"I'm sorry," Jidka said the last time, "I can't send them out on their own! They're too young. Besides, they'll grow out of it. They're just getting used to each other."

At this, the xenocat grumbled and went back to his bed, curling up with Fonai and wishing that his "sisters" would hurry up and grow up. Jidka watched him go, thanking the powers that be that she had been picked as his guardian. He was one of the few things that balanced out the hyper-activity and silliness of her other charge. Who was now coming in the door with her new bond.

"Jidka!" The deep blue female caleed out as she and her bright pink bond dashed into the room. "The clutch is going to hatch soon! You'll get a bond this time for sure!"

Yusena decided to add her two cents, agreeing with her bond. "You're so good to take care of all of us, they'd have to be blind for one not to choose you."

Jidka blushed, "I'm not that good, girls! I'm not any better than any of the other candidates, just because I take care of all of you. I enjoy having all of you around, even if you guys have way more energy than I could dream of. And even if I don't bond, I still get to have you all for a little while." She smiled at the pair, who were now slipping from the room, looking for something new to do.

A few days later, they all headed to the hatching bay, where the kirin clutch was hatching. Jidka watched her charges as they found seat in the stands, then turned her full attention to the hatching eggs. She trusted her young friend to behave, even if it was only so they could see who she bonded.

This time through, she didn't have long to wait. A palomino-colored filly pranced up to her, and like Yusena did with Kase, nipped her chosen's paw. As she danced in place, she looked up at the rainbow dragoness without flinching, and said, "My name's Kinmuku'Iwa Taelaanaa and you and me are gonna have lotsa adventures together!"

Jidka was almost at a loss for words; she'd been here for quite a while now, and had begun to think none of the hatchlings would ever choose to bond her, no matter what her charges insisted. Looking down at the small filly, she smiled. "I'm glad to meet you Kinmuku'Iwa; I'm sure we will have plenty of adventures. Are you ready for some food? And to meet the others?" She sent a mental plea to the others not to crowd in too soon; she didn't want to startle her new bond, or have her get mobbed by the others before she even had a chance to eat!

::Don't worry, we won't mob you! Kase wants to see what other colors come out before we come down, so yours has plenty of time to eat.:: Bydeniss answered the unspoken plea, as he was, as usual, listening in to his sponsor's thoughts.

She smiled at the quartet in the stands and led her new bond to the tables that had been set out. By the time Kinmuku had eaten her fill, the rest of her siblings had bonded, and they were all coming to eat. Jidka and Kinmuku moved out of their way and headed toward the rooms the dragoness, and her charges, were staying in, knowing that the others would find them before they got too far.
