Elnevi arrived in Treval and soon discovered Ketair was away, looking for a place to start a pack. She waited for a few days, finding her way out to Alair WolfKeep and meeting several of other participating wolves, including several unattached males who had no problem getting to know her (and every other not specifically attached female around). When Ketair did return, she spent more time with him and soon decided he was definitely her choice.
When the time came for the pairs to declare themselves, she had no problem with her and Ketair's announcement. And she was even more pleased that he had only chosen her, rather than multiple females, like a few of the males had. They sent Spark to Nimble with a message, explaining roughly when the pups would be due, and that she would be more than welcome to come see them before the adoption ceremony, if the eggs hadn't hatched by then.
For the next couple months, most of the wolves stayed near the keep, especially the females, who soon began to look for comfortable places to have their pups. Elnevi found a comfortable den, just far enough from the others for privacy, but close enough to be convenient later.
   When the time came, Elnevi had five tiny pups. The tiny wriggling balls of fur were adorable, according to their father. They sent Spark with another message telling Nimble that the pups were born and there were five little ones.
Once the pups were weaned, there was to be a large ceremony where people (and wolves, dragons and anyone else) could come and attempt to befriend, adopt or sponser some of the pups. Elnevi and Ketair decided that they would like to try to open a place like Alair, at the location Ketair had found, so they decided to stand as sponsers for any interested pups. That way they would have at least the start of a nicely-sized pack.
All they had to do was wait for the day of the ceremony. And hope that their pups didn't wear themselves out playing with Ketair's companions all the time.

When the ceremony finally took place, most of the mothers were long ready for their pups to find new homes, as were almost all the other current residents of the WolfKeep. There were, after all, over 100 pups of approximately the same age running around getting into mischief. Ketair was away getting things set up at Tervenna, but he had left Spark with Elnevi so she could let him know when to return.
The ceremony itself was not as organized as it could have been, but no one was complaining; that was a lot of pups to organize! When the sponsors, caretakers, and potential candidates had set themselves up in a reasonable order, the pups were released, roughly a litter at a time, to find their chosen "person". Some had discussed the choices with their parents before hand, others had asked for suggestions but kept their decision to themselves until now.
Such was the case with one of Elnevi's own daughters. The golden wolf was slightly surprised to see Tierva approach when it was her litter's turn to choose. "I decided I'd like to see this Den Father is preparing, and I knew you'd be heartbroken if none of us came home with you!" She nuzzled her mother as a few others trickled their way.
The first two to arrive were both males, one a dark brown with a slight reddish cast to his fur named Dathlor Sirhann, and the other a dark common grey named Rayan Kroro. They had met Elnevi in passing in recent weeks and were also interested in this new world. The next to arrive was a white female, whose parents had been specially bred by elves originally and had a different way of naming their pups. Tolaal-Sil'anill asked that she be called just Anill, and just as she finished speaking, yet another joined their growing group.
Sunra Ruari was a pretty brown pup, and one of the few who had chosen Elnevi based on what she had heard from other pups. She liked the idea of a new world where there were would be lots of opportunities for their future expansion. Next came another pair of males, these two half siblings, their father being one of the males who had convinced multiple females that he was their best choice. Tirdol Rulkin, the silver, was more outspoken and seemed to be a little bossy. His brother, the common grey Noren Rulkin, seemed shy, but wasn't the least bit hesitant about his choice in sponsor.
A moment later, another female approached, this one all black. Elnevi had seen her a few times, though she wasn't very familiar with her parents. Tesial BlackWinter was of Elruvian parents and as such was one of the rarer breeds represented at the ceremony, and certainly in Elnevi's little group.
The ceremony seemed to be winding down, and Elnevi soon saw the earth dragoness, Shekarite approach with her own companion, another black pup, though this one was male. They sat together, watching all nine pups play together, until the ceremony was officially over and it was clear no more pups would be joining her little group.