Other Residents

NameRace/SpeciesReason for being at the WolfDen
NimbleOtherforest ElfCompanion of Elnevi
Aurala AshriaAsavati-kionBond of Nimble
SparkFirelizardBond of Ketair
Linladu'TaykahMuttBond of Ketair
Ena Jayari'MyukSaurakeCompanion of Ketair
Occasional Pup-sitter
FernfrostOtherforest ElfFriend of Nimble
GarnetGhostsOtherforest WolfWolf Bond of Fernfrost
NyrayethPernese DragonBond of Fernfrost
DuneOtherforest ElfFriend of Nimble
DunOatsOtherforest Greater WolfWolf Bond of Dune
BraethPernese DragonBond of Dune
ShekariteDracanian Mountain Dragon HybridCompanion of Sheru Aller
Listeyal Sislen-OranatoBWR MuttSponsorling of Noren Rulkin
Ivri Toerii'TaykahMuttBond of Tierva Tiian