Shekarite spent the next few days meeting some of the pups, as well as Ketair's mate. She got to know the gold female, Elnevi, whose bond was on another world awaiting a dragon hatching, and was looking forward to her company back at the new wolf den.
When the ceremony finally began, it seemed like barely organized chaos to the mountain dragon. Puppies were running everywhere, dashing to and fro, looking for their chosen caretakers, sponsors or bonds. Shekarite stayed where she was, for the most part, not wanting to step on anyone, but clearly in the open, hoping one of the pups she had met would choose to go back to Tervenna with her.
When a large number of pups had found their chosen, and they had left the main ceremony chamber, Shekarite began to walk around a little, looking for one of the pups she had been particularly fond of, as she didn't think she'd seen him leave with anyone yet. She almost stepped on a blur of a pup as he dashed past, then skidded to a stop to look at her. "Oh!" He cried when he recognized her. "I found you! At last! Where were you? Hiding?"
She blinked at Sheru Aller, the pup she had been hoping to find. "No. I've been out here the whole time."
The black pup considered this for a moment before shrugging, then grinning. "Well, I found you. That's all that counts. You hungry? I'm starving! Let's go find Elnevi Tiian! She's over there with that group of pups. What is Tervenna like?"
As they headed over to the gold wolf and her pile of pups, Shekarite told Sheru all she knew for sure of the current preparations at the WolfDen, as well as the plans she knew would be started by the time they arrived.