"Jidka! Jidka!" Kaselanugo called as she raced towards her rainbow-colored sponsor. "Come with me! I want to show you something! It's so cool!" She looped behind the tavrayn neck and started to push when she decided Jidka wasn't moving fast enough.

"Kase', what is so important that I have to see it right this second? Can we at least wait for Bydeniss?" The three of them had spent the last several days exploring Star City and the Abstract Destiny, while Jidka tried to decide where to take her two charges, and if she should come back to try to bond at a later clutch. Bydeniss had taken to wandering off, and had yet to tell the older dragoness where he disappeared to for small periods of time. But since she heard no rumors of misbehaving xenocats, she wasn't too worried. He was a good boy, and she felt she could trust him.

It was the nebula blue Kaselanugo she worried about.

"Alright, I'm coming. Can you at least tell me where we're going?" She started to walk a little faster, hoping the younger female would stop pushing on her neck.

"The hatching bays!" Kase' said excitedly. "I just saw what the next clutch looks like! They look cool. They have skeleton heads attached by flames!"

Jidka wondered if she would ever cease to be amazed by what the serpentine dragon found irresistable. She doubted it. The dragonets, who seemed to like their recently discovered perches on her horns, watched the snakey-catdragon with glee. They seemed to like Kase's color choices almost as much as she did.

"I have seen the picture of the expected results for the next Synth, Kase. Did you find something new?"

"No, but they are looking for bonding candidates. I want to bond one!"

That stopped Jidka in her tracks. "What! Aren't you a little young?"

"Not really," she replied casually. "I saw in the records it happened before. I think they will be cool." She seemed to be stuck on that word today, Jidka thought. "So, can I sign up? Please?" She looked up at Jidka with hopeful eyes and a toothy smile. "Pleeeeaaase?"

She really couldn't resist the little furball. "Alright. If one chooses you, I'll help you take care of it," she answered, knowing that was probably the only reason Kase had begged her for permission. She knew she'd need help, since she was so young. She had an odd sense of color, but she wasn't stupid. "But don't get your hopes up too high. You may get passed over for someone older."

The caution at the end seemed to have little effect on the young catdragon. "Yippee! I can try to bond one of the flamey skulls! Yay!" She dashed off, almost running over Bydeniss, who had just caught up to them. He jumped out of her way, just in time, having to put his wall-climbing ability to the test, as the only way out of her way was up the wall.

"I think she's crazy." He said as he clambered back down the wall, and to the relative safety of Jidka's side. "What was she after this time?"

"She wants to try to bond one of those flamey hatchlings from the next synth. I told she could try, but she may be too young." She changed the subject. "So what have you been up to?"

"She what? I told you, she's crazy." He shook his eyeless little head. "Actually," he hesitated a little, not sure what her reaction would be. "I found something too. On the Science deck, they have these eggs. I heard someone call them terigons. They would be like a little friend, like Rina or Kovin, but bigger, and smarter. And sometimes, they bond. Not a lot, but once in a while. I think I want to get one."

Jidka was intrigued. Bydeniss didn't usually make open statements about things he wanted; he usually waited till someone else said something and then said he'd like that too. Since she had already let Kaselanugo try her crazy scheme, she couldn't see why not to let Bydeniss. At least his wasn't as odd.

"Well, take me to them, I'd like to see these as well. But I don't see why you couldn't try for one at least." She smiled when he bounced slightly.

"Thank you! I don't want to make too much work for you. They're this way." He rubbed his head against her foreleg, then headed off, purring lightly. She followed, glad to see him so happy. He tended to frighten easily, and she liked it when he was relaxed.

They made it to the Science deck and he showed her where he found the eggs. They looked them over, and he chose the one he liked and she helped him put in the request. They should know in a day or so, if his request was approved.

Heading back toward the hatching bay, Kaselanugo found them. "I'm signed up! And guess what? They had another synth just move into the other bay. The baby picture isn't up yet, and the parents are pretty, even if they aren't colorful like you, but the babies will be bonding babies too!" She dropped her head a little, getting an almost sneaky look to her face. "You said you wanted to bond a hatchling, didn't you, Jidka. Or at least, you wouldn't mind, right?"

Jidka looked skeptical. "Yes, but I thought I would wait to see what the next..."

The younger dragon interupted her. "I signed you up for that synth! I think the babies will be pretty, so you should get to try to bond one! Even if they aren't as colorful as you, but not everyone can be so lucky!"

Jidka looked at the xenocatdragon beside her. He shrugged. ::I told you she was crazy.::
