
Tervenna Wolf Den is a large, well-spread cave system, found on a mostly unexplored world by Ketair Aviener and his trio of companions. The four were searching the Nexus for a potential home for the winged wolf's intended future pack. He wanted to find a place that could hold many wolves, and be able to offer a place of adoption for interested wolves.
And he definitely found it. While this world does have some dragons of it's own, the forest surrounding the cave system is largely unoccupied by sentient creatures. There are the usual wild game animals, though: varieties of deer, rabbits, boar, bear, different bird species; plenty of things for wolves to hunt.
The entrance and most of the tunnels in the caves are large enough for a wide variety of animals to enter, including all but the very largest dragons.  There are a few areas accessible only to the wolves, either for privacy sake or simply because the tunnel entrances are just too small. The adoption den, part of the Whelping Den area, is large enough to accommodate almost any one who wishes to try to adopt one of the pups.
More info will be available as the area surrounding the caves, as well as the caves themselves are explored more thoroughly.
November 8, 2009
Welcome to the new home of Tervenna WolfDen. I will be working on the pages over the next few weeks to get all records back up, and hopefully, in the not too distant future, will be able to have a litter available. Most links do not work at this time.
Old Updates
December 1, 2005
Welcome to Tervenna Wolf Den! We are still under construction, but hope to be up and running soon.

Whelping Den
Other Residents