Nimble and Melyna climbed back on Masaeth's back, and after a moment, they convinced Elnevi to join them. She could rest her wings, and they'd be back to Pern in no time. Then they would hopefully be in time to see the hatching of Kujachyth's clutch. Hopefully, Fernfrost and Dune would both Impress.
Once they landed, Nimble and her new companion went to find her friends. Melyna took her dragon to the beach for a nice swim, but told Nimble she'd see her later.
As they looked for the other two elves, Nimble and Elnevi talked, getting to know each other a little more.
They finally found the others, just in time to see them Impress. Nimble and Elnevi sat in the stands and watched as the two male elves Impressed. Nimble also pointed out a human girl, Kubali, that she had met and hoped to get to know better, as she seemed like a very nice person. Nimble was minorly surprised at the colors her friends Impressed, after Melyna had told her about the colors normally expected. She didn't see very many of the "average" colors.
After the hatching, while her friends and their wolves got to know their new dragons, Nimble and her new wolf friend wandered around the area. They explored the grounds of the FGPC, and headed to the weyr as well. As they explored, they talked a bit about themselves, and Elnevi decided she'd like to go visit the elves' homeworld. Or this Malnev world; it sounded very interesting as well.
During their talks, they also realized that Nimble did want to try to Impress a dragon after all. They had discussed the hatching they had just seen, and the elf realized she would like to try for a similar experience. Elnevi, having a bit of an adventurous streak, decided she wouldn't mind if her new friend had a dragon. It could even be fun. Besides, if she wanted pups some day, she might as well get some practical experience with a baby.
They heard that was supposed to be a large number of eggs at the FGPC soon, from some sort of experiment involving a large number of dragons, and Nimble and Elnevi went to see if there was any other information to be had. There wasn't a lot that they hadn't already heard, but it sounded interesting to to both of them, so Nimble decided to sign up. After all, Melyna's dragon had searched her along with the two male elves, so she figured she was eligible.
Then she worried a little; this group of clutches was very diverse. Some of the hatchlings may not bond; some may decide to go off with someone, but not bond. She just hoped when the time came, that one of the hatchlings would choose to bond her. Elnevi could tell something was bothering the small elf, but didn't want to bug her about it.
While they were waiting, Elnevi decided she wanted to explore one of the places Falas seemed to have ties with: Treval City. It was on another world, but it seemed that a decent population of wolves had started up there. As she hadn't met a lot of other wolves that she hadn't known her whole life, she asked Nimble if she would mind going for a quick visit to see what was there.
"I don't see why not. They said the clutches may take a while to hatch; as long as we're not gone too long, I think we'll be okay. Do you want me to ask Melyna for another ride? Or should we find another way?"
"I don't really want to impose on her too much; we really don't know her that well. I'm very grateful she brought you to Remet, and brought us back here; I don't want her to think we only talk to her when we want to go somewhere." The golden wolf had a slight grimace on her face, which made the elf laugh. She'd never seen a wolf grimace.
Elnevi continued, "Besides, I think I can get us there. You're not that heavy. If those wolves of your friends can carry one of you, so can I. Then, we don't have to wait for any one to come and get us either." She stopped for a second. "Though, I may need a couple days to rest in between trips; I've not tried a trip like this with a passenger. I'm sure I can do it, just not very often without resting. Are you willing to give it a try, at least? If not, we'll find another way."
"I think we'll try it your way. I don't want to impose on our new friend either; besides, I trust you to know your own limits. Let's go."
