Elnevi and Nimble made it to Treval safely, and were soon enjoying the new sights and meeting new people. And dragons. Neither of them had seen such a variety of dragons in one place before. There were a few Pernese, some Alskyrian, some draks, but most were native to this world, Anar. And there was quite a large number of mixed breeds.
Elnevi was pleased when they ran into a winged wolf almost first thing. This one was a handsome silver male, with pretty green eyes, accompanied by a bronze firelizard and an adorable bronze part-drak hatchling. The male seemed quite taken with Elnevi, and introduced himself as Ketair Aviener. His flit was Spark, and his newly bonded dragon was Linladu'Taykah.
Nimble could tell her golden friend was equally taken with the new wolf, and was not surprised when she invited Ketair to join them on their explorations after introducing herself and her elf friend. He agreed quickly, and offered to show them around a little, since he'd been there for a few weeks.
They spent a few days exploring together, finding some gem shops that caught the elf's attention, even getting her to buy a pretty sapphire ring, before Nimble decided they really needed to go back to Falas to wait for the eggs to hatch. She didn't want to miss out on bonding. Elnevi reluctantly agreed with her, but promised Ketair she would come back to visit him soon.
On their return to the FGPC, Elnevi debated whether she should try to bond, or maybe sponser, a hatchling at the clutch Nimble was waiting for. Ketair seemed to be thrilled with his bond; she thought it might be interesting, but wasn't sure about sharing her mind with another being. After asking Nimble, she decided not to worry about it. She didn't want to leave a hatchling behind when she went to visit Ketair, and she didn't really want to wait until a hatchling grew up completely before seeing the silver wolf again. She would be able to help Nimble with her hatchling, and maybe someday in the future she could sponsor one of her own, though, if Ketair was interested, maybe she'd have pups of her own someday soon....


Nimble is standing at the FGPC's Shimmer Frenzy