While Nimble waited for the eggs to hatch at the FGPC, Elnevi got word from Ketair that there was going to be a frenzy of sorts, but for wolves, back on Anar. He asked if she was interested, and she sent Spark back with the message: "Yes, I'm interested, but I would like to meet a few of the other participating males before making my choice, though you will definitely be on the list of choices!"
After sending the flit back, she dashed to Nimble to tell her the news. The elf was happy for her; it would give her something to do instead of wait here, for the hatching of a mass of eggs. And maybe she'd bring one of her pups back.
"When it's time, if you want to go, I have no problem with it. I'll probably still be here. Just send me notes; I'd like to know who you choose, and how many pups you have." Nimble looked fondly at the golden wolf; she hadn't known her that long, but it seemed like they'd been together for years.
"I'll do that for sure. It'll probably be Ketair; I just told him the other stuff to keep him guessing. I don't think I'll find another male better than him." Elnevi grinned, her little joke amusing her to no end.
"Oh, go on. You might as well go back to Anar now. It'll give you time to get to know Ketair better, and make sure he's the right male."
"Don't worry; I have no intention of hooking up with someone I don't want to stay with. I'd like this to be my lifemate, even if the method is a little unorthodox. Ketair seems nice; I know he wants a family, and I think he'll be a good mate and father. I'll come back soon, to see how you're doing. Impress someone interesting for my pups to play with!" Elnevi teased at the end of her statement.
The elf girl laughed. "I'll try, but that's also up to the hatchlings. It's more their choice than mine."
"I know, but if you're thinking about it, you'll attract an interesting one!" Elnevi laughed at her own suggestion. She let Nimble give her a big hug, then headed to Treval and Ketair.

Elnevi's experiences at Alair WolfKeep

Nimble continued to wait, now for both the hatching and for news of her wolf friend's adventures into motherhood.

Some weeks later, Nimble lost track of exactly how long, Elnevi returned. It was only to be a short visit, as the pups were still young and couldn't be separated from their mom for too long, but she had to come chack on the young elf. To both of their surprise, the first few clutches of eggs decided to hatch during the visit!
"Hurry up, Nimble! You don't want to miss out on bonding, do you?" Elnevi was as excited about this as her elf friend. She wondered if she'd be this excited when it came time for her pups to find new homes.
The elf slipped into her candidate clothes, and shook her head. "I have no intention of missing this, I've been looking forward to this for some time! Let's go!"
They dashed to the hatching sands. When they arrived, Elnevi found a spot in the stands to watch, and Nimble stepped out onto the hot sand. She let out a light hiss at the temperature, but she could take it. It wouldn't be that long.
And she was right. The eggs were hatching rather quickly, and before long, a shimmer gold passed close by Nimble, and she turned to watch the small dragon. She stopped in shock, as the small gold stopped and looked back at her! Then she backed up to the elf girl's side, grinning, and stared straight into her eyes. They stood, entranced, for only a moment, until a joyful howl erupted from the stands and broke the mood. Nimble grinned, glad Elnevi had been able to see this.
The hatchling looked up at her new bond. "That is Elnevi, right?" she asked. The elf merely nodded, smiling. Aurala, as the gold had introduced herself, thought for a moment, then laughed, "Wolves must be very silly creatures, then." Nimble laughed as well, as she picked up her new bond. "They can be," she said, as she carried Aurala from the sands.

Aurala's stats