
Shekarite looked through the trees at the winged wolf and its companions. She had never seen anything like most of them. The wolf was only odd with its wings, but the duo-winged dragon wasn't furry like the ones found on this world, in the north; there were no flits on this world; and the other one looked more like a furry snake with legs. She watched them for a little while, as they investigated a cave system, being careful not to let herself be seen.
Overhearing the wolf talk about setting up his pack here, and hoping for lots of pups, she wondered what he meant. Deciding to listen some more, she discovered he was headed back to a place that would be offering wolf pups like himself for adoption. After they were born and weaned, that is. Not all of them took to being adopted, the mountain hybrid decided, as the silver wolf didn't appear to have chosen an adopter in puppyhood.
In fact, he seemed to have stood to adopt at least one of his dragons. This she understood, at least. Dragons could bond at birth, to almost anything, depending on their species. After a couple of days, the wolf and his companions left, going back to somewhere called Alair. Shekarite headed back to her den, thinking about what she had seen and heard.
She had only been on this world for a short time. After exploring the Nexus for a while, she had come here looking for a place to call home. She discovered this world, and was welcomed by the furry dragons that called themselves northern celestials. They told her to make herself at home, there was plenty of room, and they doubted their cousins, the celestial guardians, would have any problem with one new dragon, especially if she didn't make trouble.
She was glad she was welcome, but after having been here a while, she was getting lonely. The northern dragons stayed in the north, for the most part, and she hadn't run into any other dragons in this part of the world, yet. She thought about the wolf and his friends. Maybe she should try to befriend one of the pups. She'd have to find her way to this Alair place, but she would probably have to wait a few months.
Thinking about it, she decided she would wait a couple months before going anywhere. After all, if the silver wolf hadn't even bred with his chosen female yet, there obviously wouldn't be any pups to adopt yet. Shekarite, her mind made up, continued to explore her new world, even going in to explore the cave system the wolf was so intrigued by. She thought it would make a good home for wolves, but she wasn't an expert.
A few weeks later, the wolf returned, checking the place over more carefully. He seemed to be looking for any safety hazards that may affect pups, and when he left, the mountain dragon had more of an idea of where this Alair was. She decided to head there, but to visit a few other places on the way. She had always liked to travel; she just liked to have somewhere to call home, too. No one wants to be on the road all the time.
A couple months later, she found herself at Alair WolfKeep, about to sign up for the chance to befriend a pup. She looked around, seeing the large number of available pups from a variety of parents. Unsure if she wanted to try for any specific breed of pup, she chose to just sign up, and hope for the best. Afterwards she found the male that she had seen and introduced herself, thanking him for coming to her home, and inspiring her to come here.
Ketair, as the wolf introduced himself, was a little surprised at first; he hadn't realized he was being watched. But he said he was glad she had come, and he hoped she had good luck while she was here.

Standing at the Wolf Frenzy at Alair WolfKeep
